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The stories behind the vision
John Bosco Tuli

John Bosco Tuli, Executive Director
Born and raised in the war torn Northern Uganda district of Lira, Bosco ’s journey to share hope and love began right at home when some of his extended family members were abducted and the rest forced into an internally displaced people’s camp. Desiring to serve in some capacity the displaced community in his home town of Lira, God revealed to him His greater plan for his life that led Bosco to seek some kind of training in preparation. In 2004, Bosco resigned his Job as an Engineer with a road construction consultant firm (Parkman International) to join  Youth With A Mission Arua according to God’s guidance. Subsequently, Bosco has since attended YWAM School of Biblical Studies (SBS), Missionary Care Foundation Course, Foundation in Community Development and other seminars on trauma counseling and the Celebrating Children Workshop which works with children at risk.

Bosco is currently serving as the convener of YWAM Arua base leadership as well as the convener for the YWAM Uganda Member Care Circle and has been instrumental in coordinating the ministry to the South Sudanese refugees in Arua among other things. He has also helped to start the ministry that has currently become YWAM Kitgum. His heart for radical transformation, proclamation of the Good News to the poor, rebuilding of broken lives, and restoring hope, fits well alongside his idea of fostering transformation through education. After many failed attempts over ten years to partner with others to break into the field of education, Bosco decided to step out on faith. In January 2018, Bosco opted to pioneer a Christian school in Lira, Uganda by faith even according to the many ways He felt God had been leading him. With an 11-page vision, budget and plan, he started Elwa Sunrise Nursery School by faith out of his home in Lira, Uganda. It began with 37 children, his daughter Gloria as headmistress, and two other teachers Ambrose and Eunice. A fourteen-year burden had now come to reality.

Bosco is mission-focused serving Elwa Sunrise. He therefore depends on the faithful support of others for himself and his family.

Lisa McQueen - Elwa Sunrise Nursery School - Uganda

Lisa Okello, Director of Administration
Lisa was born and raised in Queens, New York, USA. At the age  of 17, she moved to Florida to pursue a degree one year after the passing of her mother. She attended Florida Southern College and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Pre-K/Primary Education. She taught third grade in public school for 6 years and Kindergarten in a private Christian School for 4 years. Her journey as a missionary began in 2012 when she attended her first trip to the island of Jamaica in North America. It was followed by trips to Budapest, Hungary in 2015 and Arua, Uganda in March of 2017 where she met Bosco. Her last trip catapulted her life into an entirely new direction when the Lord challenged her to move to Uganda.

During her last year of teaching third grade (P3) in the United States, she began to feel dissatisfied. Days before her trip to Arua, a coworker had dreamt that Lisa expressed to her that she’d be leaving that school and moving to Uganda to teach the next school year. This resonated with Lisa’s spirit, yet the idea of moving was a shock to her planned life. A few days later while in Uganda, Lisa had heard from three different people that she’d be back in Uganda teaching. When she reached the States about a week later to her home church Deeper Fellowship Church in Orlando, FL, it was confirmed again by one of her associate pastors Caleb Grant. It was then that she surrendered to God. Her obedience was followed by at least 35 prophetic words in the four months that preceded her move. One specific confirmation was God’s response to Lisa asking Him why He wanted her to move to Uganda. He replied, “I need someone audacious to recalibrate the educational climate.”

Having known and trusted Bosco from her trip to Arua, he advised Lisa to approach her move to Uganda by first enrolling in Youth With A Mission’s 6-month Discipleship Training School (YWAM DTS) program. Lisa heeded that advice and moved to Uganda in September 2017. During this time, she had heard more details from the Lord about opening a school. She had also learned that Bosco desired to open a school and had a clear vision for one. When Lisa and Bosco compared visions and passion, they were strikingly similar. Much prayer and consideration followed their conversations.

While Lisa was on her outreach phase of DTS in January 2018, her team happened to miraculously end up in Lira, Uganda for ministry at the last minute. She contacted Bosco and discovered that he was also in Lira and had opened Elwa Sunrise Nursery School- in complete faith- out of his home in Lira. Lisa prayed further about their partnership and asked the Lord the break her heart for the people of Lira if He wanted her to be there. About a week later, Lisa found herself weeping uncontrollably for the people. A week after that, the Lord told her that Lira was her home.

After graduation from DTS in March, Lisa decided to pay Elwa Sunrise a visit in April to see if her heart connected with all the confirmation she had received. Within two weeks, she was convinced that she was in the right place. She and Bosco decided to be co-directors of the school. The rest of the history is continuing to be made. Lisa is married to Sam Okello, a local Ugandan businessman and minister, and they have one child. Learn more about Lisa on her website

Lisa currently serves Elwa Sunrise without a salary. She is an overseas missionary who depends on the faithful giving of others.

Lisa McQueen - Elwa Sunrise Nursery School - Uganda

Nelson Apwonya, Director of Finance

Nelson Apwonya is a seasoned teacher and administrator. He has taught for 12 years at Hillside Annex Nursery and Primary School. For six of those years, he was the Primary Head teacher taking on several responsibilities as he oversaw staff, pupils and the boarding section. His primary area of expertise in teaching is science education. Under his tutelage, several children have been successful in academics and received distinctions in the areas of science. Several of the colleagues that he led also produced children with high academic distinctions.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Nelson had a terrible motorbike accident in November 2020. This was a catalyst for his act of faith to officially partner with Elwa Sunrise. Before that time however, Nelson felt God shifting him from his former place of employment to partner with us in a more tangible way. He had been a member of our board since our inception in 2018 and assisted in teacher observations up until March 2020. In unique irony, he had also been planning to start his own primary school in Lira and had already purchased land to do so. When the lockdown occurred, he began to realize and clearly see his purpose as an educator. He knew that it was far beyond being before children in a classroom, but about transformation, legacy and the Kingdom of God. Nelson met with Lisa and Bosco several times as they built the new school grounds and, after realizing that their visions for education were the same, Nelson decided he’d join our administrative team as an additional director. His accident relieved him of his responsibilities at his former workplace and allowed him to transition smoothly as a director of our school.  Above all, Nelson is a committed Christian and family man. He is married to a fellow educator, Susan, and has four children.

Nelson has joined our team as an act of faith while incurring several financial burdens due to his accident. Any support for him and his family would bring relief.

John Bosco Tuli, Executive Director
Born and raised in the war torn Northern Uganda district of Lira, Bosco ’s journey to share hope and love began right at home when some of his extended family members were abducted and the rest forced into an internally displaced people’s camp. Desiring to serve in some capacity the displaced community in his home town of Lira, God revealed to him His greater plan for his life that led Bosco to seek some kind of training in preparation. In 2004, Bosco resigned his Job as an Engineer with a road construction consultant firm (Parkman International) to join  Youth With A Mission Arua according to God’s guidance. Subsequently, Bosco has since attended YWAM School of Biblical Studies (SBS), Missionary Care Foundation Course, Foundation in Community Development and other seminars on trauma counseling and the Celebrating Children Workshop which works with children at risk.

Bosco is currently serving as the convener of YWAM Arua base leadership as well as the convener for the YWAM Uganda Member Care Circle and has been instrumental in coordinating the ministry to the South Sudanese refugees in Arua among other things. He has also helped to start the ministry that has currently become YWAM Kitgum. His heart for radical transformation, proclamation of the Good News to the poor, rebuilding of broken lives, and restoring hope, fits well alongside his idea of fostering transformation through education. After many failed attempts over ten years to partner with others to break into the field of education, Bosco decided to step out on faith. In January 2018, Bosco opted to pioneer a Christian school in Lira, Uganda by faith even according to the many ways He felt God had been leading him. With an 11-page vision, budget and plan, he started Elwa Sunrise Nursery School by faith out of his home in Lira, Uganda. It began with 37 children, his daughter Gloria as headmistress, and two other teachers Ambrose and Eunice. A fourteen-year burden had now come to reality.

Bosco is mission-focused serving Elwa Sunrise. He therefore depends on the faithful support of others for himself and his family.

Lisa currently serves Elwa Sunrise without a salary. She is an overseas missionary who depends on the faithful support of others.

Lisa Okello, Director of Administration 
Lisa was born and raised in Queens, New York, USA. At the age  of 17, she moved to Florida to pursue a degree one year after the passing of her mother. She attended Florida Southern College and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Pre-K/Primary Education. She taught third grade in public school for 6 years and Kindergarten in a private Christian School for 4 years. Her journey as a missionary began in 2012 when she attended her first trip to the island of Jamaica in North America. It was followed by trips to Budapest, Hungary in 2015 and Arua, Uganda in March of 2017 where she first met Bosco. Her last trip catapulted her life into an entirely new direction when the Lord challenged her to move to Uganda.

During her last year of teaching third grade (P3) in the United States, she began to feel dissatisfied. Days before her trip to Arua, a coworker had dreamt that Lisa expressed to her that she’d be leaving that school and moving to Uganda to teach the next school year.  A few days later while in Uganda, Lisa had heard from three different people that she’d be back in Uganda teaching. When she reached the States about a week later to her home church Deeper Fellowship Church in Orlando, FL, it was confirmed again by one of her associate pastors Caleb Grant. It was then that she surrendered to God. Her obedience was followed by at least 35 prophetic words in the four months that preceded her move. One specific confirmation was God’s response to Lisa asking Him why He wanted her to move to Uganda. He replied, “I need someone audacious to recalibrate the educational climate.”

Having known and trusted Bosco from her trip to Arua, he advised Lisa to approach her move to Uganda by first enrolling in Youth With A Mission’s 6-month Discipleship Training School (YWAM DTS) program. Lisa heeded that advice and moved to Uganda in September 2017. During that time, she had heard more details from the Lord about opening a school. She had also learned that Bosco desired to open a school and had a clear vision for one. When Lisa and Bosco compared visions and passion, they were strikingly similar. Much prayer and consideration followed their conversations.

While Lisa was on her outreach phase of DTS in January 2018, her team happened to miraculously end up in Lira, Uganda for ministry at the last minute. She contacted Bosco and discovered that he was also in Lira and had opened Elwa Sunrise Nursery School- in complete faith- out of his home in Lira. Lisa prayed further about their partnership and asked the Lord the break her heart for the people of Lira if He wanted her to be there. About a week later, Lisa found herself weeping uncontrollably for the people. A week after that, the Lord told her that Lira was her home.

After graduation from DTS in March 2018, Lisa decided to pay Elwa Sunrise a visit in April to see if her heart connected with all the confirmation she had received. Within two weeks, she was convinced that she was in the right place. She and Bosco decided to be co-directors of the school. The rest of the history is continuing to be made.  Lisa is married to Sam Okello, a local Ugandan businessman and minister, and they have one child. Learn more about Lisa on her website

Nelson Apwonya, Director of Finance

Nelson Apwonya is a seasoned teacher and administrator. He has taught for 12 years at Hillside Annex Nursery and Primary School. For six of those years, he was the Primary Head teacher taking on several responsibilities as he oversaw staff, pupils and the boarding section. His primary area of expertise in teaching is science education. Under his tutelage, several children have been successful in academics and received distinctions in the areas of science. Several of the colleagues that he led also produced children with high academic distinctions.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Nelson had a terrible motorbike accident in November 2020. This was a catalyst for his act of faith to officially partner with Elwa Sunrise. Before that time however, Nelson felt God shifting him from his former place of employment to partner with us in a more tangible way. He had been a member of our board since our inception in 2018 and assisted in teacher observations up until March 2020. In unique irony, he had also been planning to start his own primary school in Lira and had already purchased land to do so. When the lockdown occurred, he began to realize and clearly see his purpose as an educator. He knew that it was far beyond being before children in a classroom, but about transformation, legacy and the Kingdom of God. Nelson met with Lisa and Bosco several times as they built the new school grounds and, after realizing that their visions for education were the same, Nelson decided he’d join our administrative team as an additional director. His accident relieved him of his responsibilities at his former workplace and allowed him to transition smoothly as a director of our school.  Above all, Nelson is a committed Christian and family man. He is married to a fellow educator, Susan, and has four children.

Nelson has joined our team as an act of faith while incurring several financial burdens due to his accident. Any support for him and his family would bring relief.