Training and disciplining our community to be self-sustainable and responsible.
Few schools in Uganda provide a Christian education for children and the needs of the community.
We address both.


opportunities for support
“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”
We aim to…
- Offer children of struggling families care-free education as we equip them to be sustainable
- Be good stewards of our parents and community by creating “sustainable fishermen”
- Train parents with skills that will allow them to have the freedom, honor, and dignity to meet their family’s needs independent of sponsors
- Grow our school’s influence and impact in our community
Families that are struggling financially will have the opportunity to participate in one of our community collaboration projects which will, in turn, yield benefits for our children, school and community.
giving Levels
Bronze level
For $35 a month, you can sponsor a child and help support their family. Your sponsorship provides a student with Bible-based education, school uniform, basic medical care, a family Bible and family discipleship. You will also receive child updates via letters and pictures.
Silver level
For $50 a month, you can support community collaboration projects to help our parents. Your donation gives parents agricultural and vocational skills as well as small business loans and discipleship to help them sustain their families. You will receive personal correspondence and updates.
Gold level
For $100 a month, you can support on-going school building projects to help us impact our community on a larger scale. Your donation allows us to purchase additional land, build more classrooms up to the secondary (high school) level, develop our current grounds and train our teachers. You will receive website recognition and school updates.
But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. Look, I am sending you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord arrives. His preaching will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers.
–Malachi 4:2, 5-6 NLT
Parents who are struggling to pay their child’s school fees will be offered opportunities to learn sustainable vocational skills. We offer partnership opportunities where parents are managed and trained by a professional allowing them to gain skills areas like organic gardening. Consequently, the garden will provide food for our students. In the future, we will add tailoring, piggery and poultry rearing.

Jerusalem, get up and shine. Your light has come. The glory of the Lord shines on you. Darkness now covers the earth. Deep darkness covers her people. But the Lord shines on you, and people see his glory around you. Nations will come to your light. Kings will come to the brightness of your sunrise.
–Isaiah 60:1-3 ICB
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© Elwa Sunrise School 2018-2024
PO BOX 304 Lira, Uganda
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